My blog at Uni

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A Perversion of Justice

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Now, is it just me, or are Capcom's standards slipping?
Just when I think I've finally come round to the introduction of Apollo Justice in the Ace Attorney series (Phoenix is, after all, still IN the game, and witty as ever) I'm confronted with evidence to suggest he's not as wholesome a character as his name may suggest.

That word "panties" is appearing a little too much in his thought process for my liking...
Magic panties?

Now, wait a minute Apollo. What exactly is your profession supposed to be again?
If Phoenix can lose his badge for fraudulent evidence...

And just to cap it all off, we have this bizarre statement from Phoenix's daughter, 15 year-old Trucy:

Um... what?
And, a side note: I don't think that picture depicts her panties... I mean underwear.

Conclusion: there's only one thing I can say:

An Inexplicable Dream

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Guess what I went to go and see last night?

Ever since I heard Kaos were back with a new show, I've been dying to see The Kaos Dream. Missing the performance in Norwich in October left me feeling muchly miffed, but a quick glance at their website soon revealed they were actually coming to Wakefield as well. I'd been nagging Sri to look at their website in a bid to get her interested in going with no success, and it was just by chance that I mentioned to Elena on the way back from our last-minute dash to Norwich a few weeks ago that there was this show by one of my favourite theatre companies on in Wakefield that I desperately wanted to see but would be missing (all buses would get me back to Leeds too late). Elena's Mum had also been to see the show in Norwich and had recommended it to her, so it was quickly decided that a road trip to Wakefield was in order.

As usual, I was not disappointed. If it wasn't for the fact that the show closes in Wakefield yesterday, I'd tell anyone and everyone to go, because defining and describing such an experience is absolutely impossible with the restrictions of the English language. Simply put, it was awesome. The interpretation of the text was the most original version of the Dream I have seen to date, with it making so much sense in a "Ohhhhh, that WORKS! How did I not SEE that before??!" kind of way. It was the first piece of theatre I've seen since... let's face it, Kaos' adaptation of Moll Flanders, that actually had me rolling about in the aisles. A brilliant, hilarious, clever production... can't say much more than that (well, I suppose I could, but not without going on in a drama luvvie, fangirl fanatic way).

The real shame in all of this boils down to two things. The first, that although I'd rung up expecting to be shoved at the back of the auditorium since I'd booked my tickets so late, I wasn't. It became blatantly clear why this was when we arrived at the theatre. Although we couldn't see the entirety of the stalls from where we were sitting (the dress circle, of course dahling), the dress circle seated a maximum of 15 people for the third performance (the one we went to) at the Wakefield Theatre Royal. The stalls didn't seem overly full either, although there was at least one rather rowdy school party there. Basically, the theatre wasn't even half full. How awful to perform to such few people towards the end of the run of a show? The second shame? It's their last show. With the Arts Council withdrawing their funding last July, on Saturday, Kaos play their last performance of their Dream, and their last performance as Kaos, to a theatre in Manchester. If you can get out to Manchester this weekend and have never seen Kaos, go!

Children in Our Prisons

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I've held off writing or talking about our prison visit to HMP New Hall on Monday (for my Collaborative Performance Project module) mainly because I've needed a while to collect my thoughts about the whole experience. I wasn't really expecting anything in particular before I visited and I wasn't even scared by the prospect of being in the company of the female "dregs of our society", but nevertheless, the visit left me feeling completely hollow and incapable of holding a proper conversation about much for a whole afternoon and evening.

With a bit of reflection, I think it's fair to say I was a little in shock. Although the group working in Rivendell (the juvenile unit) were given a complete tour of the juvenile wing, we were only shown round the education department, so we were presented with the surreal experience of walking round what felt like a normal HE college, surrounded by several-metre-high green fences topped with barbed wire. The only glimpse we got of the actual "prison-like" bit of the prison was a quick glance to the left to see a corridor marked at every few feet with heavy white gates. With that image imprinted in my mind and still giving me shivers, I'm glad we weren't given the full tour we were primed for. And the actual department? Also all very surreal and unexpected.

The education department is a confusing mix of what you'd think prison cells may look like and a primary school. The classroom walls are covered by brightly-coloured displays created by the women: pictures they have created from cutting images out of magazines and pasting them onto coloured paper, and drawings vividly coloured in or stencilled with bright coloured pens. On the table of the room we were left to wait in while our guides were rounded up, there was an image created by one of the women depicting herself and her three children with the words "single parent family" stencilled underneath. Amongst this quite uncomfortable display of relatively childish work were "class rules" and "what you hope to gain from this course". There were thick white bars across each of the windows. Each of the classrooms opened onto a main corridor granting access to the two small "break" rooms: a rectangular room with bare white walls and low wooden benches along three of the walls. The contrast between the two was awful.

We were given a tour of the department by two women who were on the Business Ed course. It was their job to take us round, getting each teacher to explain what they were doing with their class and generally chat to us about why we were here. The two classes that stand out for me the most are the Kitchen class (I can't remember the exact name of the class, but they were covering food preparation, hygiene, etc) and the class simply described to us as "the one where the girls who would struggle in the normal classes go".

The teacher in the Kitchen class explained to us about how her girls were being "angelic" today and were "behaving themselves": the "girls" referring to a group comprised mainly of middle-aged women, a few younger women and a heavily pregnant woman in her mid to late 20s. On hearing this, one of the younger women chipped in "We're not all bad people in here you know - some of us are nice people just in a bad situation". I couldn't have put it more succinctly.
The women in the other class were the most upsetting. They were clearly either heavily sedated or just not with us in this world, most of them staring out into space or quietly colouring in tessellation patterns. The description of the class was one given to us by the teacher in front of his whole class - there was no pretence that these women could be considered in the same way as all the others we had seen or the women who were showing us round. They shouldn't have been there.

For the other half of our visit, we were sat with the PHSE class (some of which we may be working with when we return to conduct out workshops in April) and were given the opportunity to ask them pretty much anything, and them us. Before anyone had a chance to say anything though, one of the women (with a large amount of facial piercings and a black and fushia pink mohican) burst into a fit of giggles, quickly followed by the other few women sitting round the table. It was quickly explained to us by another one of the women (with a shaved head and baseball cap) that "someone in this room is rather hot", with a meaningful look in Ginny's direction. The experience was similar to that of being in a year 8 class full of pubescent teenagers - very unnerving considering most of the women were older than us. The rest of our time there all but two of the women became resolutely silent, unwilling to ask any questions with their eyes tilted to their laps with their arms crossed or their fingers fidgeting.

Leaving felt wrong. Knowing that all the women we had met that day (bar the staff) couldn't leave whilst we were phoning for taxis to take us to the train station just seemed... wrong. I knew they were there for a reason - but what reason? Only a tiny percentage of women in prisons are there for violent crimes, the majority are there for theft, fraud, prostitution or drugs offences. Surely there's a better way to deal with these problems instead of locking them away from their children and their families? I knew I'd feel this way after meeting them - after all, as I explained to someone who asked me what it was like in a hushed, excited tone the day afterwards; they're just people. People like you and me, people with families, who had homes somewhere once, just people who have done something wrong and are paying dearly for it.

The fact they've done something wrong though - does that mean they should be treated like kids? Given tasks to draw patterns using circles, squares and triangles, magazines to cut nice pictures out of, and praised in front of strangers for being "angelic"? Called "girls" by every nearly every member of staff, most of whom are younger than them? It just seemed all wrong. What these women need is help, not patronisation. There is a reason why people offend, and sticking them in cells for a few months or a few years isn't going to change the reasons they committed the offence in the first place. In fact, they're even more likely to re-offend, losing their homes whilst they're locked up and consequently losing their children or partners because of this. Education is a help, but not this way. These prisoners are women, just like the teachers teaching them. We are all equal in that sense, and should be treated as such since these women have chosen education over manual labour.

And the women who are so sedated or so out of it they can't even join in with the main classes? Should they even be in prison at all, let alone an education system? What good is it doing them sitting in a room colouring in pictures? And how does it make them feel to hear they "wouldn't cope" with the work everyone else is doing being aired to a few strangers visiting from a university? They're like children; they're treated like children and some even have their mindset. Prison is right for some - I do still believe that, but I also believe some of them should never be put there in the first place.

Is there any wonder these women suffer from major self-esteem problems? That their confidence is so low that the minute they leave prison they resort back to the numbing drugs or the security of organised prostitution? There's no respect there - and why would there be? These women ARE "the dregs of society", the ones that several people have told me deserve to rot in jail because they're bad people and don't deserve to mix with us. And who the hell are we to judge? Our society isn't so great that we can consider ourselves to be the angelic layer of it. We're all human - we all have similar traits, similar thoughts, desires, hopes and dreams. It's just that some of us don't stand a chance where others do. They deserve some kind of respect - not praise for what they've done, just an acknowledgement that they're human too, and because of that some respect is deserved.

I won't be calling them "girls" during my workshops. And I won't be asking them to draw pretty pictures. They're women in their own right - funny, intelligent, interested women, and I for one am interested to hear what they have to say and what they feel about a society that has failed them somewhere along the line.

Grown Ups

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Being a grown-up is a scary reality of adult life that should be avoided at all costs. A grown-up is a responsible adult who handles things like the mortgage and other bills, someone who has a job, and someone, as I was told today, who has "no life". It would appear that this generation's 'responsible' and 'mature' students consider anyone who isn't a part of the student elite and who works instead to have missed out on the best opportunities open to them in life, and that their chosen path can only lead to doom and gloom as they have severely limited their options by making choices before they turn 30. What you really ought to do, the government, our teachers and our parents tell us, is go to university.

The common trend with the youth of today is, if you can, to go to university to study a BA in whatever you fancy. Most people don't really know exactly what they want to do aged 18 for the rest of their lives, so a stint in university, "growing up" away from home, is the best place to get your thoughts together and to prepare yourself for the real world. The problem with this is that if you don't know what you want to do with your life, how can you know which degree you want to take? For many students, those three or four blissful years can be used solely for "the experience" of being a student - whatever that is (most people would argue that it's meeting a load of people, getting drunk on a regular basis and attending the odd lecture in between). If you've got an aim behind your degree, then maybe academic achievement is on the agenda, but if you're not working in any particular direction, keeping your options open and avoiding those pesky limitations, then that's fine too - everyone knows that just
having a degree is guaranteed to get you where you eventually decide you want to be, since they work as fast tickets into the workplace nowadays.

The best thing about being a student is that you don't have to be a grown up. You're in a wonderful limbo between dependence and independence, not needing to be completely responsible for your actions since your parents are always there to pick up the bill for any monetary problems, and free to do whatever you want because you're away from home, in "the best years of your life" and with access to more pubs and clubs than you could possibly think of. Being a grown-up? That's not for many years to come - students need to live their lives to the fullest before they can even start to think about all that.


I do wonder when I became a "grown up". And when and where the cynicism kicked in.

I sat in a discussion with the rest of my Actions and Interventions group today, arguing the case for those of us who think getting into £19k worth of debt isn't worth it if you're just at uni because you were told it was the right/best thing to or because you're there just for "the experience". If I've learnt anything from this module, it's that most students feel lonely quite a lot of the time, despite being around thousands of other academics and people with the same interests. Most of us have felt depressed at some point, whether it be clinical or just feeling a bit blue and homesick. And most of us have so little money, you'd be lucky to get one night out a month where you could buy enough to get roaring drunk. Is all that worth the debt? What kind of experience is it you're paying for if it's not the education you rate?

As someone at university with an agenda - to leave Leeds with a 2:1 or 1:1 to go on to achieve QTS - it's incredibly frustrating to have to work alongside people who are simply there for "the experience". They are the ones who are getting the stereotypical experience, because they're putting all of their time, money and effort into everything but the educational experience, complaining at the same time about the standard of teaching and the content of the lessons, only half of which they attend. I was told on application to the university that I was one of over 9000, and that I'd be lucky to become one of the 90 odd who actually got accepted. It angers me to think of all those other people who wanted to be here so much when half the people I come across don't want to be here, have thought about dropping out, or have just given up already.

Academic achievement isn't the priority for a proportion of students "studying" at university in our society. Doing the reading for the session or getting an essay finished any time before a few hours before the due time is still looked down on, even though everyone here supposedly did that in high school to be able to get where they are now. Apathy kicked in somewhere in the application process and just "a degree" of any level in any subject seems to be the goal for some people I come across. The number of people hoping to continue with drama after BA? A handful.

Being a student allows you to postpone becoming a grown up. Those of us who start our adult lives as students won't be leaving home for several years after we graduate because of the amount of debt we're in. We're bestowed with limited responsibility masquerading as independence whilst we're at university because we're living away from home, but in reality we're given the money to get through everything by a loans company or by our parents, so we're never in a situation where we're not depending on anyone. The debt ensures that this will continue for several years, where, at the same time, the 16-year-old school leavers will have more money and possibly property behind them than we hope to have 5-10 years after graduation.

Maybe I'm too serious about things. I don't aim to travel for a few years after leaving (how would I afford it anyway?) or anything else away from Norwich, I just want to secure myself a job I'm going to be happy to work in for 40 odd years, have a home and a family. Yes, I'm "limiting" myself by having hopes and plans, but is it really limitation? Isn't what I'm doing more about enabling? I've hopefully got about 60 or so years left in me - why would I want to concentrate all the good times into 5 or 6 years and be miserable, in large amounts of debt and with no direction in life for the other 55?

True Awesomeness

Friday, January 25, 2008

Have to say, I'm not usually a fan of, well, fan-art, but this image pretty much sums it up for me at the moment.

I've just finished the third game in the Phoenix Wright series (Trials and Tribulations) and thoroughly enjoyed it. Now, I knew that the next one in the series is due to be called Apollo Justice, clearly stating that Phoenix is very much out of the picture. This is pretty sad in itself (due to the general awesomeness of his character), but also, along with Phoenix, some of the best characters of the game are also being dumped on the rubbish pile. However, what really gets my goat is that they're still attempting to include him in the new game.. as a washed up lawyer.
*cries buckets*
Capcom are clearly just bored of Phoenix and prefer shiny young boys instead...

Now for some awesomeness...

Ace Attorney goes... regional. Tee hee.

A drumroll please...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Three of us sat in a library cluster after Alice told us she'd be sending us our TiE Practical marks within a few minutes - I don't think any of us were actually breathing. FINALLY, after an excruciating 5 minutes, we got this through:

Conceptual Development: A
Composition: A
Impact: A
Skills and Techniques: A
Critical Reflection: A

This was an outstanding piece of TIE practice and showed innovation and accomplishment throughout. The opening in the classroom by ‘the Doctor’ was very clear and provided the pupils with a very well-defined set of rules and frames for the ensuing drama. The character was easy for the children to relate to and pitched appropriately in terms of language, tone and narrative. There was a clear sense of magic from the outset and the children entered the space in a controlled manner but with clear excitement.
The company demonstrated great attention to detail in terms of costume, props, set and so on. This was a real treat to see and evidence of the great commitment to a total, immersive theatrical environment. Costumes provided for the children really helped build the sense of community expressed in the group’s aims.
This piece was highly effective in terms of both educational imperative and aesthetic framing. Sustaining this for over an hour with total engagement from the children is evidence of the group’s careful planning and professional execution of the session.
All sections were delivered with clear instructions. Each task flowed from the previous one and made methodological and pedagogical sense. The children moved from completing each task with compliance to taking more responsibility for their actions and improvising with the characters according to the given circumstances. Evidence of scaffolded learning was in abundance and the complexity of the narrative situation provided the children with an experience which was both meaningful and rewarding. At all times the session was child-centred, well-structured and had a calm atmosphere which maximised learning for all participants. This was an extremely professional piece of which you should be proud. Very well done.

Suggestions for Future Improvement:
These are minor points but still worth considering.
Some nerves were evident at the start of the piece. This is understandable and you did keep them under control but at times it did affect the audibility of certain scripted sections. There was also a tendency to overuse “OK” when working in small groups. This didn’t fit with the narrative context and jarred with me (although I don’t think the children noticed!).
Groups were not evenly distributed. This didn’t seem to hinder any activity but did mean that some clan leaders had many more children to deal with.
Getting children to sit where you wanted them was your biggest problem. Moving very small children around a space can be extremely difficult, particularly getting them into a circle. How might you manage this in future?
There was a slight drop in energy and pace towards the end when the children were working on their own solutions to the problem. This went on slightly too long but, again, is a minor point.

Overall Mark: 83/90 (1:1)

Here's a run down of the criteria we fulfilled:

A - Outstanding (70-90)
Conceptual Development: Lucid and illuminating application of relevant theories and ideas to practice. Own practice is used to creatively explore and extend understanding of the wider frame of contemporary practice leading to work which offers new conceptual insights.
Composition: Exceptional levels of creativity and imagination evidencing excellent levels of independent compositional judgement. Fully convincing synthesis of formal aspects of the practice demonstrating sensitivity and control. Prepared to take compositional risks and succeeds.
Impact: Outstanding achievement where the response to the task set reflects a strong sense of originality and imagination. The work communicates a lasting and persuasive impact.
Skills and Techniques: Thoroughly accomplished demonstration of practical skills and techniques. Levels of achievement reflect professional practice.
Critical Reflection: All work informed by exceptional levels of critical understanding and insight. Thorough use of supportive materials, clearly evidencing extended sustained and imaginative research as a means of developing own practice. (Where appropriate: Seeks and actively engages with constructive criticism.)

A little note about the mark...
You may have noticed that I've written this one out of 90 instead of a percentage... this is because I've actually got my marks wrong for the last year. I always thought that we were marked out of 100, and that our mark was a percentage, but after a disagreement between us as to whether the mark was out of 90 or 100, I checked the criteria (something I've never actually done)... and it says the most you can achieve is a 90 on any PCI assessment. Which means I've been making my marks look worse than they actually are!

But anyway.. very, very happy and proud. Can't say much more than that :D

My Big Adventure

Monday, January 21, 2008

Well I had fun this morning.
I stupidly left my purse round Jenny and Jessica's house on Saturday night after our preview viewing of Sweeney Todd and pizza at theirs, so I arranged with Jenny to go and collect it today so I could go shopping for stuff. Unfortunately, I've only been to their house once and in the dark following them, so when I tried to head out this morning in the grey and pouring rain, I found myself getting more and more lost.

I kid you not, that is the actual route I took. And the most frustrating thing? If I'd just continued down Argie Avenue a little further the first time, I would have made it there quite quickly and with relatively dry feet. But no, after several fruitless walks round (literally) in circles, I gave up, stood on a street corner and tried to phone someone who could help me.
First off, I tried Elena. She nearly always has a map to hand, and was therefore a relatively safe and considered option. Didn't answer her phone.
Then I thought I'd try Jenny, since she should know where her house is. No answer.
Finally, and with a flash of brilliance, I remembered that some people have things called COMPUTERS on which they have the INTERNET and with which they can find MAPS. Everything crossed, I phoned Isa, who promptly told me I just needed to walk a few more feet forward and the street I needed would be on the right. I felt so, so intelligent.

Anyway, after being reunited with my purse, I headed off into the city to do my scouting for cheap telephones (since the ones we currently have are Isa's and are therefore going back to Spain with her). Unfortunately, I didn't find any that didn't cost a small fortune, but I did find this:

THIS is the dress I've had my eye on at work since I started back in December, and I watched it be reduced from £160 to £95. Now, being the skint student I am, I knew there was no chance I'd ever afford it, so I forgot about it. Cut to moving back up here, and I spot it, reduced to 50% in the Leeds Monsoon. Still too much, I leave it in the shop after trying it on and falling in love with it, hoping it'll be reduced again. Today, I went back, daring to hope it might still be there, and to my complete surprise, on the end of a 75% rail hung a size 18... and a size 12. I could have wept. Needless to say, it's hanging in my wardrobe - a steal at £40 :D

Probably a little TOO pleased with myself, I headed home... to find the new Module Handbook online. To my horror, I found this description of my POP4 choice:

"Taught workshops for the Performance Actions and Interventions option in this semester led by Fiona Mathers will explore performance / actions as a means of re-interpreting place, using sound in particular. Students will be required to research the background and use of a chosen place before embarking on their own devised responses to a creative brief that will specify a selection of appropriate methods and techniques for further independent, practical exploration in collaborating groups.
Assignment brief: Devise, develop and present a performance piece exploring the re-interpretation of place using the creative use in particular of vocal sound, and, to some extent, recording. (The presentation will not be in the original source space)."

Interpreting space using sound??? Eugh.
Then I looked at the description of the sessions with the other Actions and Interventions class...

"Taught workshops for the Performance Actions and Interventions option in this semester led by Jon Brazil will explore performance / actions as a means of intervening in particular situations. Students will be required to research at least two key practitioners before embarking on their own devised responses to a creative brief that will specify a selection of appropriate methods and techniques for further independent, practical exploration in collaborating groups.
Assignment brief: Devise, develop and present a performance piece exploring autobiography, and more specifically student experience, and including a ceremonial/ ritual dimension. The piece should involve an engagement with notions of identity and include the use of organised sound."

Now THAT sounds like what I signed up for!
So, I sent off an email to George asking to switch groups.
Now I wait, everything crossed.